Application to 2nd Class for September 2021

 In line with the Admissions to Schools Act 2018 St Conleth & Mary’s school will commence accepting applications for 2nd class for the school year 2021/22 from 14 January 2021. No applications will be accepted before this date.

Our School Admission Policy and School Admission Notice are both available to view below. The Admission Notice contains specific information regarding the amount of places available for the school year 2021/22. If the amount of applications is greater than the amount of places available then (oversubscribed) then the criteria in section 6 of the Admissions Policy will be applied.

The application form is available to download below or can be sent/emailed to you. The form must be returned to the school by 4 February 2021. Given the current level 5 restrictions applications can be posted (St. Conleth and Mary’s NS, Naas Rd, Newbridge, Co. Kildare W12VN26), emailed to or placed in the applications box in the school foyer. If emailing an application a scan of the original birth certificate will be accepted.

Please ensure that you complete all parts of the form and that you tick which type of place you are applying for i.e. mainstream class or special class. Further information on the criteria to enroll in our special class is contained in section 4 of our Admissions Policy.

If you have any queries please contact the school at 045-431179 or email